
This is another basic massage technique; we gather the structures that we want to work on and with our grasp we make circular pulling movements to elongate the structure. Our grasp should be parallel to the muscle tissue that we are kneading and the traction will be made in a transversal direction to the muscle fibers. The grip can be made:
• With several fingers at once: digital kneading
With the palm of the hand and the thumb: palm-digital kneading
• With the knuckles of both hands: knuckel kneading
Rolling over part of the skin with a palm-digital grasp: rolling grasp

The metabolic effects of kneading are:
• Promotes venous return
• Improves elasticity and motility of the soft tissues
• Eliminates toxins

You should work slowly seeking maximum extension that will allow us to work the tissue without harming it, you must maintain a slow but constant rhythm during the entire process and progressively increase the pressure.



Strike the area we want to treat with the ulnar edge of the hands, fingers, knuckles or fists. The percussions should be soft and repetitive, with a constant rhythm and strength.
For the variations of this technique the hands should be free of tension and promote the “whip” effect. This does not consist of hitting but rather the pressure we exert on the dog is perceived as progressive and not like a blow or deadweight.

• Increased nervous excitability
• Increased muscle tone
• Causes hyperemia and vasodilation

This is a highly stimulating technique, suitable for preparing a sporting event or returning to competition.
If we use a rhythm of 1 blow per second we can also achieve a relaxing effect.


Ortocanis Technical Team