Delia Ortocanis

What side effects do anti-inflammatories have in dogs?

Anti-inflammatory drugs, called NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), are the most commonly prescribed pain reliever in dogs , used primarily to…

2 months ago

Does your dog suffer from joint pain? You can help

joint pain They are common in dogs, especially older dogs and large breed dogs. Although any dog can suffer from…

4 years ago

What to do if our dog goes blind?

Unfortunately some dogs can suffer from vision loss and go blind. There are some breeds such as the German Shepherd,…

4 years ago

Why use an orthopedic mattress in older dogs

Dogs, just like us, may need a specific mattress to improve their rest. Much more so if it is about…

4 years ago

Anxiety in post-confinement dogs

  After several months of quarantine at home, the return to the offices is restarted and with it comes the…

4 years ago