Deforming Spondylosis in Dogs


Deforming spondylosis is a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease of the spine, characterized by the production of bone spurs in the lower, sides, and upper area of the vertebrae of the spine. These spurs are simply caused by bone growths, usually growing in response to aging or injury.

In dogs, deforming spondylosis most often occurs along the spine, in the back of the chest, and in the upper vertebrae of the lower back. Older and large breed dogs are at higher risk of developing deforming spondylosis.


*Patients are usually asymptomatic, bone growth can be felt by touching your pet before perceiving changes in its behavior in the wake of growth

  • Fracture of spurs or bridges can cause pain
  • Rigidity
  • Restricted movement
  • Pain


Repeated microtrauma – repeated pressure on the same joints or bones, through certain exercises or activities
Major traumas – the body responds when trying to grow new bone
*Predisposition to hered spurs


Your veterinarian will do a complete physical examination of your dog, including a biochemical profile, a complete blood count, a urinalysis, and an electrolyte panel, in order to rule out or confirm other diseases, such as cancer. You will need to give a complete history of your dog’s health, including background history of symptoms, onset of symptoms, and possible incidents that may have precipitated this condition.
X-ray images of the chest and abdomen (side view) are essential for the diagnosis of deforming spondylosis. X-rays reveal osteophytes (small bone growths) in the vertebrae, or in more advanced cases an osteophyte can be found as a bridge in the space between the vertebrae.

Your doctor may choose from several other types of tests in order to reach a definitive conclusion. A myelography uses the injection of a radiopaque substance to obtain an interior image; Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also options. These procedures can help your veterinarian find a bone spur that may be putting pressure on your dog’s spinal cord or nerves (leading to neurological reactions).


faja para el dolor de la espalda de perroUsually, patients with deforming spondylosis do not show abnormal external symptoms of initial bone growth. A neurological examination should be performed to rule out a pathology of the spine that requires surgery. Otherwise, if the growth has reached the point of damaging nerves and tissue, and your pet suffers intense pain, or if your veterinarian has decided on a surgical solution, your dog will be hospitalized. Under normal circumstances, when damage to the body is minimal, and your dog feels little discomfort and pain, the condition will be treated on an outpatient basis, with strict rest and prescription painkillers for home treatment. Pain medications are given after your meals. To speed up recovery and from four days after the intervention you can use thermal coats or spine girdles for dogs (consult your veterinarian). Acupuncture can also provide pain relief for some animals.


Depending on the severity of the symptoms, your veterinarian will schedule checkups to track your dog’s progress. Only give pain medication when your dog is showing signs of discomfort (after a meal), and only in the exact amount prescribed, unless your veterinarian tells you otherwise. Drug or drug overdose is one of the most common causes of unintentional deaths in pets. You will need to provide a safe and quiet place for your dog to rest, away from other pets and active children. During this time, limit yourself to slow walks around the neighborhood. When your dog shows no signs of discomfort for several weeks he can slowly return to normal activity.

Source: Venfido

Treatment of hygroma of the elbow

Elbow hygroma is a disease that mainly affects large short-haired dogs, such as Big Danes, Greyhounds and Dalmatians. In dogs with elbow hygroma, a fluid-filled sac appears on one or both of the dogs’ elbows. In rarer cases, hygromas can develop in the hock. In many cases, elbow hygromas do not cause pain or difficulty. However, they can become infected, which can be painful for the dog and requires treatment. Other animals susceptible to developing hygromas are dogs that are not very active or are recovering from illness or injury.

Hygromas develop because of recurrent trauma to a dog’s elbow or elbow. For example, resting constantly on wood, cement, or other hard surfaces can cause stress on the joint and cause hygroma. This condition mainly affects large dogs, as there is a greater weight on their elbow joints when they are lying down.Hygroma codo

In some cases, bandaging a dog’s elbows can help prevent hygromas from getting worse. Bandages will prevent contact with hard surfaces and in turn avoid problems caused by hygroma. In addition, some products such as the canine elbow protector or the dog knee protector will prevent the hygroma from having additional contact with the hard ground. Ask your veterinarian how you can help your dog.

Some veterinarians recommend that hygroma fluid be drained with a needle or syringe. Getting the fluid out is not considered an effective treatment because the needle can cause an infection. In addition, drainage can only improve the condition temporarily. If the dog continues to lie on hard surfaces, the hygroma will become larger, that is, the drainage will have to be done on a regular basis.

Some veterinarians may recommend surgery to treat elbow hygroma, especially in cases where there is infection or when the hygroma has ulcerated. In surgery, the skin must be drained and removed. Since hygromas can grow quite large, it may be necessary to make skin grafts to cover the affected area. Healing from surgery takes about a month, and the dog will need to wear a splint during recovery to protect the affected area.

The best way to prevent your dog from developing an elbow hygroma, or to prevent an existing one from worsening, is to provide the dog with a soft surface for him to rest and sleep. If there is no carpeted area available, make the dog a soft bed and leave it where he likes to lie down. In the event that the dog is inactive because he is recovering from an illness or injury, have him get up and move (at least enough to change the position he is lying in) several times a day.

Written by Anna Aronson

source: eHow