If your dog is recovering from an illness that requires a bandage, splint or sling, proper care is essential for his recovery. Complications are much more likely to occur in dogs that do not receive proper care and supervision.

Cuidar el vendaje de un perro

Splints , slings, and bandages can cause serious problems for your dog if:

  • they hurt you
  • slip with them
  • they twist
  • They stay for a long time
  • they get wet

Splints, slings, and bandages must be kept dry and clean at all times. If they get damp, wet or dirty, it is necessary to remedy this as soon as possible.

When the animal goes outdoors, a temporary waterproof coating may be applied to the bandage , sling, or splint to keep it dry. The cover should be used for short periods only (no more than 60 minutes at a time) and should be removed immediately upon returning home.

If the cover is left on for more than 60 minutes, moisture can accumulate inside the liner, causing the bandage to become soggy.

It is generally recommended that dogs remain indoors as much as possible while they are bandaged and rehabilitating. A wet bandage can quickly cause a skin infection. Change the bandage as soon as possible.

Check the toes and the tissue at the bottom of the bandage or splint at least once a day. If you notice any swelling the bandage may be too tight or shifted and needs to be checked out by a vet right away and probably replaced. In bandages or splints the swelling may appear as an extension apart from the toes. Compare with the other foot to detect differences.

If the bandage or splint appears to have slipped or twisted, smells bad, or has been damaged by chewing, your dog needs a new one.

You should monitor the skin near the edges of the bandage, sling, or splint for chafing, redness, or rashes. If any of these problems appear, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Activity restriction is usually an important part of the healing process, as long as you have a bandage. Significantly restrict the dog’s activity unless your vet tells you otherwise. This includes keeping your dog on a leash on outings, if he is too active the bandage may lose its function.

Prevent slippery floors while leg, foot, back, hip, neck or shoulder bandages are in use.
It is in the animal’s best interest to avoid playing with other dogs or children during rehabilitation.
It is imperative to work closely with your vet during this period. Complications are much more likely to occur in pets that are not carefully watched.

Check bandages usually every 48 hours, from when they are placed. Check splints and slings every 1-2 days, depending on the needs of the patient.


Use medications according to medical prescriptions.
Be sure to follow all activity restriction instructions from your veterinarian.
Watch carefully for any splint, sling, bandage, or post-surgical instructions (these can be the difference between a successful recovery and more problems).
Monitor your dog carefully and perform check-ups as directed by your veterinarian.



Pacma has formalized a complaint before the Subdelegation of the Government in Cádiz against a neighbor of Chipiona for animal abuse, since he would have dragged a donkey tied by the head to the tow ball of his SUV through the town, causing injuries to the animal.

In a statement, Pacma explained that the events took place around 12:40 p.m. on Granada Avenue in the town of Chipione, thus incurring the accused in an alleged crime of animal abuse typified in article four of the Law 11/2003, 24 November, on the Protection of Animals of the Junta de Andalucía.

As it has specified, this article expressly prohibits “mistreating or physically assaulting animals or subjecting them to any other practice that inflicts unjustified suffering or damage on them”.

In the graphic documentation with which Pacma accompanies his complaint it is observed that the animal is dragged by the car, which “would cause stress and damage to its legs”, stressing at this point that in the photographs can be seen on the ground “blood of the animal” due to “the rubbing of its hooves against the road”.

Finally, the complainants have reported that several pedestrians rebuked the alleged perpetrator of the events for the treatment of the animal, motivating him to get out of the vehicle and take the donkey walking.

Source: Europa Press

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Now that the holidays are approaching, we must insist that abandonment is something that ruins thousands of innocent lives. Help us raise awareness against abandonment.

Video of the French Campaign against the Abandonment of 30 Milions d’amis.


Ayudas para perros con artrosis

This is the story and story of Reyes Tejera, proud caretaker of Marcellin and client of Ortocanis, as we received it and in memory of this precious pug;

marcelino“Hello good afternoon. Here are a few lines of how we met you:

It was Halloween afternoon when I took Marcelino to the vet because his right eye suddenly looked very bad. Two months after struggling to save his eyeball and two operations later, it is decided to remove it with much disappointment for so much effort in vain; however, having only one eye was not the worst thing that 2014 was going to leave us: Marce had begun to limp. At first we blamed it on some blow or fall but when it seemed that it improved it began to limp more. A CT scan was the only solution. The result was two herniated discs and an adrenal cyst that prevented the sending of information from his brain to his left patuca. The options were various surgeries with very few guarantees or try it through physiotherapy. The joint decision was not to intervene and we quickly started with the physio sessions. At home we also worked daily but we needed something that could support him so he wouldn’t drag so much. The disability was already noticeable but we missed the walks outside our garden.

That’s how I came to you. “Wheelchair for dogs.” That’s what I put into Google. Your page appeared, I browsed the products and I sent you an email. Within minutes I received your call and two days later we had the child seat at home. I rode it as fast as I could because the excitement was huge. Marce looked at me as if she knew that those tubes contained something special. When I put it on, the first thing he did was throw a cart and looked at me again puzzled. It had just been two months since I turned 7 years old. It was April and spring was presented to us at the pace of a trot. In those principles the chair served to exercise the movement of his paws and also kept his body detached from the ground. Despite the exercises, the marcelino3Physiotherapy and medication had lost almost all mobility but with your chair we could take walks, run and play. Marcellin learned to take curves, to go backwards, to climb some step… He felt like a dog again. Or rather ‘perropersona’ as we always defined him. Finally with the loss of control of sphincters derived from the lack of nerve impulses, came the urine infections practically chained and on July 2 of this year he began his journey to the rainbow. It was a long and painful process, especially hard in its end but I will always have seen him run around until the last day with his Orthocanis chair. This is broadly their story. I don’t mean you to publish it. Use the data you want. I hadn’t talked about all this again and that’s why it’s been so long. Thank you from Marce and myself.”
-From Ortocanis: Thanks to you Reyes for writing to us.

silla de ruedas para perros


When looking for a new canine companion, it’s easy to give up in favor of an adorable puppy and all the energy it brings. But remember that youth goes hand in hand with new challenges, biting, breaking any object in the house, having to train them in obedience…. If you’re looking for a well-behaved buddy who still has a lot to give, consider keeping an older dog. In honor of Adopt a Senior Pet Month, an initiative that encourages the adoption of dogs 7 or older each November, we share here ten reasons that make senior dogs wonderful family members, according to Tracey Stewart, wife of comedian Jon Stewart and noted animal lover, in her new book Do Unto Animals*.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

 Tracey dice que muchas mascotas sénior fueron criadas en casas amorosas y que perdieron a sus protectores debido a divorcios, enfermedades o muerte -ninguna razón de éstas causante de que cambiara el amor entre ellos-. Los perros de la tercera edad están simplemente buscando compartir su naturaleza cariñosa con una nueva familia.

1. No te dan muchas sorpresas. No hay necesidad de imaginarse cuanto crecerán, con qué frecuencia necesitarás cepillarlos, o qué personalidad tendrán. Lo que ves es lo que hay!

2. Adiós a los manuales para enseñar a que hagan sus necesidades fuera! A los perros mayores es probable que ya les hayan enseñado en el pasado. Si no es así, están físicamente y mentalmente preparados para aprenderlo rápidamente.

 3. Está bien decir las cosas solo una vez. Los perros mayores han estado con humanos el tiempo suficiente como para entender nuestro idioma. Frecuentemente saben lo que estamos preguntando o pueden aprender rápidamente a hacer lo que les decimos. Puedes enseñar a un perro anciano nuevos trucos, y los aprenderán rápidamente!

 4. Ellos encajan deprisa. Un perro o gato mayor lleva tiempo paseando por el barrio y ha entrado en contacto con muchos otros perros, gatos y gente. Los ancianos normalmente saben lo que se necesita para encajar sin problemas en una familia y lo hacen con facilidad.

Ortesis-de-codo 5. Puedes relajarte! A diferencia de un cachorro o gatito que introduces por vez primera en una casa, un animal viejo normalmente no se está metiendo en problemas continuamente. No tienes que poner la casa a prueba de ellos durante meses y meses.

 6. Ellos disfrutan de paseos rápidos y no piden mucho. Los perros más ancianos no requieren que se les lleve a diario a hacer tres paseos que les permita hacer mucho ejercicio, y se agotarán de jugar a ir a buscar la pelota y devolvértela después de poco tiempo. Aunque necesiten también hacer ejercicio, a los seniors ya les suele ir bien un buen paseo por la mañana, a parte de las otras salidas puntuales necesarias para hacer sus necesidades.

 7. Tus zapatos nuevos favoritos estarán seguros del destrozo de los cachorros. Como el período de dentición les queda ya atrás, la masticación destructiva es normalmente una cosa del pasado.

 8. La edad es solo un número. La edad no siempre significa problemas de salud y facturas médicas caras. Los animales jóvenes pueden desarrollar problemas de salud también, y hoy en día existen nuevas ayudas técnicas que facilitan la vida a los perros mayores.

 9. Ellos dan a tu fibra sensible un extra. Hay algo increíblemente poderoso acerca de proveer de refugio, amor, cuidado, abrazos y básicamente paz a un perro senior en sus últimos años de vida. 

 10.Un tiempo juntos corto pero dulce. Los niños van a la Universidad, la gente se retira y las situaciones cambian. A veces es posible que tengamos un tiempo más reducido para dedicarnos al cuidado de un animal especial pero incluso así puedes beneficiarte de la compañía de un súper anciano, a la vez que salvas una valiosa vida.

Equipo Ortocanis

 *Este texto contiene traducciones de un fragmento del libro Do Unto Animals de Tracey Stewart.

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Doctor alberto palleroniI write these lines after a long conversation with Dr. Alberto Palleroni, an expert in psychology and animal neurology at Harvard University. To give you an idea. On the day of Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente’s tragic accident on his trip to Alaska, Alberto was traveling with him in another helicopter. The dog and human being have been sharing paths for a long time. These have not always been in favor of the company, but rather of the need of both. The wolf shared the carrion that the human left of the large prey and the human shared the hunt for the small pieces hunted by the wolf. Little by little our species have adapted in a surprising way. Together we chased prey for 160 kilometers to hunt them down. Biomechanically we were practically the only ones who could be prepared. We evolve with them and thanks to them. We conquered the Arctic and the Middle East thanks to your help. Even Muhammad introduced into the Qur’an a note about the importance of the Salukis, an ancestral breed of dog without which there was no way to survive on the Great Plains. Against the low image that the dog enjoyed, they realized that they had to be taken care of and respected.YA003100 The Saluki is the most evolved dog. Our survival depended on its purity. They can run at 80 kilometers per hour for about 16 kilometers which no dam was able to withstand no matter how fast it was. Over the past 200 years, our endeavor to create artificial breeds tailored solely to our contemporary needs has not been a fair deal for such an old friend. Most of the pathologies in the hip of current dog breeds is due to artificial variation of the knee angle. What is known by a companion of Alberto Palleroni, Dr. Donald B. Slocum, world-renowned leader in orthopedics and one of the fathers of sports medicine as a subspecialty of Orthopedics. One of its legacies are the well-known Slocum plates used in veterinary orthopedic surgery globally. The angle of the knee has come to vary, in relation to the ancient Saluki race, up to 30 degrees. Biomechanically that variation is what is wreaking havoc on the hips of today’s races. Hopefully we will find together, a way to redirect the deep wound we have made in the DNA of our millenary companions.

Toni Fernandez

Founder of Ortocanis

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Marta Sitjà, the caregiver of a paralyzed dog named Hope, came to us in June 2013 in search of a wheelchair. We have loved to find two years later the writing that we put below. We hope it excites you as much as we do:

Ospresentamos a Hope

Meet Hope

“I live with 2 dogs, one of them is paralyzed, I adopted her 2 years ago, she is the love of my life, there is nothing in the world so beautiful, so good, so sacrificed, so fighter, so brave, as generous and with the soul as pure as my Hoppy and this is our story:
2 years ago just around this time I had in my head to adopt another dog, I am a Canine Educator and I wanted to give home to a dog that needed it a lot, I was looking for an older one, with problems or that took a long time in a kennel. Then one day looking at Facebook a small dog appeared, with a blue wheelchair that was bigger than her. and accompanying the photo a text that said something like that if most dogs are already invisible to people because this type of animals, with problems or diseases, were even more invisible …
Hope en una sesión de hidroterapia


I started crying, and I thought it wasn’t true, that it couldn’t be true, I did care…
The next day I couldn’t get it out of my head, I thought about what his life would be like, I thought if he could adapt to mine, if I would be able to offer him a good life, I started crying…
The next day I was tired of crying, I opened the Facebook and wrote a message to the contact person, I told him who I was and what my life was like… could that animal be happy with me??
They told me that on Sunday there was a fair in Calella and to go see it, without obligation, so I went to Calella, we looked at each other, I took it in my arms and I did not let go again.
They put hope on her, because if there is a being in the world with hope and desire to live, it is her.

Hope enjoying nature

They found her run over in the middle of the road, with her column broken; a damn hunter who as a child mutilated her by cutting her tail (and to know what other tortures she would do)She left when she was not even 1 year old, she crossed the road and a car took her ahead. It went to argentona’s kennel (curiously where I would do my internship as a Canine Educator some time later), but they could not take care of it and the association The Kat Club took over; I am clear that if it were not for those wonderful people my dog would be dead.
From there rolling around foster homes, you know, they have many dogs, they need a lot of care, those people are angels with huge hearts but they can’t do miracles, they do what they can…
Until the day I saw it on Facebook, I went to Calella and brought it home.
We adapt perfectly to each other, from the first day she has gone without a leash on the street, she does not separate from me and has learned in record time all the orders (come, stop, quiet, run …) and also all the tricks of the other dog, they are like 2 naughty offspring having fun around the city.300x250
Her life is worth millions, as far as I know (because I have been told so) there are already 2 dogs that were going to sacrifice and thanks to the example of Hope they are now going with their Wheelchair, and not only that, she brightens the day of everyone we come across, I see it in people’s faces, you know? they go with that rictus of bitterness and when they see Hoppy (that’s what I call her) a smile is drawn on her face. She is an activist, with her story we are making people aware of abuse and abandonment, we go to all the manis that are in Barcelona and everyone knows her.
He lives a normal life, only on the street he carries his child seat, but he runs, plays, eats, enjoys and entangles like any dog.
I have a respect for her out of series, she usually hurts her back legs because she carries them dead and she is hitting her with the stones and so on…. She NEVER complains, you never see her musty, she never stops wanting to go out, she has never had a bad gesture with anyone, no matter how much she suffers or hurts, never the slightest hint of aggressiveness; his resistance to pain is Guinness, his capacity to love infinite and his generosity to the unfortunate human being who has cut short his life is immense.

It is the best gift that life has given me (along with my other dog), people when they see us on the street usually say that Hope has been very lucky to find me, but who has been lucky is me, I feel privileged because the noblest look I know looks at me, and the most unconditional love is for me…
I am the lucky one and I do not stop thanking because she has changed my life, I no longer complain about nonsense, I see life d
In another way, there is more love in me. How to thank so many gifts??? I can only take care of her and love her and make her life wonderful, that’s what I do and that’s what she does with me.”
Written by Marta Sitjà
Ortocanis productos ortopédicos para perros

Señor Fu con su perro

Mr. Fu with his dog

This story focuses on China. Mr. Fu, a humble 68-year-old shoemaker, contracted polio as a child. This causes him to suffer from paralysis from the waist down, which forces him to move everywhere in a makeshift wheelchair, made of part of a cart. With her he goes to work every day. Your commute to work takes an hour, but you don’t do it alone – your dog is there every day to help you.

Perro empuja a su dueño en silla de ruedas.

Dog helps his owner with a wheelchair

Due to his illness, his arms also get tired of pushing the wheels, but his faithful dog never seems to get tired, either with his head or with his front legs he pushes and guides the chair. Here you can see how the faithful puppy manages.

The surprising thing is that Mr. Fu surely did not teach this to the dog, which he does on his own initiative. In addition to helping his mobility and accompanying him throughout the day, the animal also helps him to give warmth on his feet on winter nights.

It is ironic that this case has occurred in China, knowing recently took place in the town of Yulin, in the south of the country, a festival in which about 10,000 dogs will be consumed.

From Ortocanis we join the worldwide complaint and indignation about such an event: #stopyulin2015

Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos




These sad images correspond to Fiji, a 14-month-old puppy. His owners left him in the car while they went to a mall. A neighbor alerted a policeman of the situation who, along with other people, did everything possible to help the animal.

WARNING: These images may hurt sensitivity

Unfortunately, Fiji died hours later at the veterinary clinic due to internal bleeding caused by heat stroke.

It is obvious that we should NEVER leave an animal inside the car unattended, even if the temperature is not high (these events happened in February) but what to do if we believe that our friend may be suffering from heat stroke?


We will wet the abdomen and nape of the neck abundantly and fan, since the evaporation of that water lowers its surface temperature. We should never try to get the animal to walk. If we have to travel it by car to the clinic, we will use the air conditioning “butt” or, failing that, we will leave all the windows wide open.

It is not advisable to use ice, as it causes a vasoconstriction that would make heat exchange even more difficult. NEVER use medication on your own, as many of them could worsen the condition.

In situations of heat stroke, a multisystem failure occurs, which is why it is so important to go to a veterinarian. Normally these dogs must remain one or two days admitted, since, although the temperature has been lowered, there are usually problems of blood coagulation and severe renal failure.

Existen prendas especiales para favorecer la pérdida de calor por parte del animal, como este chaleco refrigerante.


Laura Pérez – Orthocanis Veterinarian


Carpal protector accelerates recovery from old Duc fracture

Duc is a Breton dog of 4 years and about 30 kg of weight that will have to be put on a diet.

He has instability in his right knee and complains of pain from a partial rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament.

Ana, his caregiver, noticed Duc limping slightly and took him to the vet. While making the decision whether to operate or not, they found the knee protectors online. The protector will give you stability and reduce pain.

In addition, a few months ago Duc fractured his front leg. Nothing more and nothing less than the radius and ulna near the carpal joint.

The veterinarians of the University of Bellaterra looked to immobilize the leg temporarily with a bandage of Robert Jones. Later they placed a plaster on him.

Ana noticed that after a few weeks of removing the plaster, Duc was supporting the leg that had injured something crooked, especially on cold days. To stabilize and accelerate the rehabilitation process we have placed a carpal protector. The ceramic particles of the protector reflect the infrared heat released by Duc’s body and keep the joint warm, improving blood flow and speeding up recovery.

We hope he recovers soon.

Soporte de carpo para perro Duc, se ayuda de soporte de carpo


Text and photography: Toni Fernández

Ayudas para perros con artrosis