Paralysis in dogs

, which makes the animal unable to move its hind legs, front legs, or four legs, has various origins. It can be caused by trauma, but also by illness. It can also be gradual or sudden, be irreversible, or offer possibilities for improvement or healing.

Silla de ruedas para perro Ortocanis

Wheelchair for Ortocanis dog

In any case, it will be necessary to provide the animal with all the necessary care to facilitate its recovery. For this, it is essential to know the cause of paralysis to apply the most appropriate treatment. We could not only alleviate your symptoms, but reverse them in certain cases, and if not possible, provide you with the highest possible quality of life .

Main causes of paralysis in dogs

Fundamentally, paralysis in dogs is caused by either trauma or disease. This can be congenital or infectious. Among the congenital diseases that cause paralysis in dogs, especially in the hind limbs, is a degenerative pathology of the intervertebral discs. Dogs that suffer from it, usually due to age, lose mobility, since the membrane that surrounds their spinal cord progressively decomposes.

As for infectious diseases that cause paralysis , there are two that are particularly dangerous. They are rabies and distemper. On the other hand, the animal experiencing paralysis may have a tumor somewhere on its body that affects its mobility. For example, if you have one in your spine, it can affect your limbs.

In addition, the dog may suffer paralysis from an injury to the neck or spinal cord. Generally, these types of injuries are the result of a hard blow or an accident. In these cases, the paralysis is usually permanent.

On many occasions the dog does not want to move because it has pain. It is common to find cases of ligament injuries or osteoarthritis where the dog avoids using the affected limb. We would not talk about a paralysis itself but we must know these cases since they are more frequent. Normally we will see that the animal complains if we manipulate the affected area. In these cases the veterinarian could recommend the use of an

In another order of things, paralysis in dogs can also be psychological, as a result of shock. In these cases, since there are no spinal cord injuries, the paralysis will be temporary. It can also cause the intake of spoiled food, contaminated with botulinum toxin. It can even be caused by the bite of an insect, since there are animals that with a bite can cause paralysis in dogs. This is the case of some families of ticks.

Symptoms and treatment of paralysis in dogs

In addition to being unable to walk, paralysis in dogs can have other symptoms. For example, difficulties getting up. It can also be an indicator that the animal cannot urinate, or that it has trouble controlling urine. In the latter case, it will drip constantly. This can also happen to the animal when defecating. In addition, you may also walk in pain or as if you are dizzy.

In these cases, it is best to take the animal to the veterinarian to examine it and decide the best way to help it. In case you suffer from incontinence apart from paralysis, it will be necessary to keep it as clean as possible. This will prevent the animal from having infections (and undesirable odors). In these cases you can use special
for dogs and protective coats.

On the other hand, we must ensure that he rests in the most comfortable way possible. For this it is advisable to use an orthopedic bed for dogs. In addition to providing them with better rest, these beds are designed to distribute the weight of the animal, avoid pressure points and ulcers on the skin due to prolonged use.

In any case, having a paralysis is not currently an obstacle for dogs to continue moving and enjoying. There are wheelchairs adapted to them, with which, if they have mobility in the front legs, they can continue walking and moving as if all four legs worked well.

Ortocanis Writing Team

Old age, if we are lucky, is something that affects us all equally, whether we are humans, dogs, cats or any other species. Although each one can have its particular pathologies, the truth is that the diseases of adult dogs are often similar to ours. We leave you what they are and their symptoms so you can detect if they are affecting your friend.

What are the diseases of adult dogs

A dog is considered an adult when it reaches 8 years of age. When it comes to large breeds, it can be even sooner. At this stage, imbalances in health and some pathologies typical of this age begin to appear. Although not all dogs will suffer from them, we are going to find out what are the most common diseases of adult dogs and the symptoms they present.

Although some may have treatments or solutions to help them improve, others are a natural part of the process of any living being and the only thing we can do is support them and continue to love them so that they feel supported.

Las enfermedades de los perros adultos y su sintomatología


Osteoarthritis is probably one of the most frequent diseases of adult dogs. It is familiar to us since it also affects humans, and the symptoms are very similar. Bone and joint pain and difficulty in performing certain movements are the symptoms that appear when this pathology progresses.

That is why adult dogs become progressively more inactive and can change their cheerful and playful character. The symptoms are, therefore, an increase in passivity, complaints when making some movements, loss of interest in walking and playing, and even loss of appetite. However, there are many solutions such as slings or knee protectors that can help relieve pressure and reduce pain.


Obesity is another of the diseases of adult dogs that occurs more frequently. In addition, it is often linked to osteoarthritis. Excess weight increases the pressure on the joints and the effort they must make.

To prevent this from happening, you have to pay attention to your diet. Excess treats should be eliminated and opt for a senior feed. Nutritional needs vary as well as the total number of calories. Obesity can cause other diseases in adult dogs, such as heart and kidney diseases.

deafness and blindness

Both are also diseases of adult dogs, just as they happen to people. As long as they maintain their sense of smell, dogs can handle themselves quite well. On the other hand, in the case of blindness, if it is about cataracts, they can be operated on. When it comes to degenerative processes there is little we can do. Since it is possible that they move at a slower speed, we should always offer them a good coat to walk.

Kidney diseases

Although there are more, the last of the most frequent diseases of adult dogs are kidney diseases. Nausea or loss of appetite are the main symptoms of this pathology. Although there is no cure, some medications can reduce the discomfort caused. Just like with arthritis.

Diseases of adult dogs are a natural part of the aging process. The important thing is to continue taking good care of the animal, administering the medications it requires and offering therapeutic help to maintain its mobility.

Myositis in dogs is one of the canine diseases that most affects their quality of life. Not only because it can affect your ability to move and perform your usual daily activity. Also because it is a very painful pathology that limits them a lot. It is an inflammation of one or more muscles that can affect different parts of the body. Its origin can be multiple, and can be due to wounds and muscle breaks as well as overexertion. But also to the effects of age.

It mainly affects short-haired pets, such as various breeds of dog. It can occur at any age, although it appears more frequently in adult and older dogs. There are three types: eosinophilic, rheumatic and purulent.

Miositis en perros: principales causas, síntomas y tratamiento

Causes and symptoms of myositis in dogs

Myositis in dogs can be due to several reasons. Among them, a muscle tear or a hematoma, both the product of a blow or a fall and excessive physical activity or a jump from a high height. But it can also appear after bearing an excessive load without the animal being prepared for it.

Sometimes it also occurs as a result of hypothermia that a dog can suffer when it is in an environment in which it is excessively cold and without being prepared for it. Then, the muscles have trouble moving, since the cold paralyzes them, and inflammation appears.

When it appears in an older dog, it is simply about the effects of age, which produce various pains and ailments. Or by parasites that nest in the muscles and other mobile areas of the animal’s organism, and cause displacements and erosions.

Obviously, one of the main symptoms that a dog has myositis, in addition to the difficulty of displacement if it affects the legs or the area of the joints and spine, is pain. Affected dogs will have so much pain that they usually won’t want to move (or won’t be able to), and they will moan in pain. They will also refuse to touch the affected area, and even caresses, even if they are soft.

The dog may feel better first thing in the morning after sleeping, but he will already appear tired. And the pain will increase as the day goes by. It is especially indicative of the presence of myositis pain in the area of the pelvis or shoulder, two of the points in which this ailment first manifests.

In addition, myositis presents other additional symptoms. Among them, the difficulties to pose one leg or several, the curved position of the dog’s back , etc. All together with an evident tension in the neck area, product of pain and difficulties in moving, and swelling of the affected area. It can also increase body temperature, and blood appears in the urine. And as a consequence of all this, come decay and loss of appetite.

Treatment of myositis in dogs

When myositis is detected early, and it is a mild form, it will be enough to take the animal to the veterinarian to put an appropriate treatment after finding the cause of the disease. It will usually be fully restored within a couple of weeks. But when it comes to severe myositis or its treatment is postponed, it may take longer to heal, and you may have sequelae.

Among these sequelae are the shortening of the affected muscles, muscle atrophy and the paralysis of one or more limbs. In these cases, in addition to a treatment to eliminate the pain and try to repair as much as possible the damage, the dog may need rehabilitation and various supports to be able to move. These range from a protector for the affected limbs to a wheelchair adapted for more severe cases involving paralysis of the hind legs.

Dogs’ paws are one of the most vulnerable areas of dogs. On the one hand, they are in direct contact with the ground and can suffer injuries. They are also exposed to blows or bad footsteps. And of course, they can suffer a problem in the legs, or injuries from sprains, bad footsteps, etc. Or simply, due to the effect of age.

Therefore, it is advisable to check your limbs carefully from time to time. You also have to be aware of any change in behavior. If, for example, a dog that is very active suddenly becomes sedentary, or if it changes other behaviors, it is necessary to find out why. To do this, apart from ruling out other pathologies, it is necessary to check their legs.

Cómo detectar una enfermedad o problema en las patas del perro

How to detect a problem in the paws of a dog

Sometimes, if a dog has a paw problem it is quite obvious. Suddenly they start limping, or they don’t want to walk. Or he gives them to lick their paw insistently. Or for giving the feeling that they bite it. So, it’s clear that something is happening to them.

But sometimes, what happens to them is not so obvious. They may be upset, but it is not clear where the problem may be. In that case, when the dog is comfortable, a careful inspection of its paws can be carried out. In these cases, you have to be careful when doing so, so as not to harm it.

How to examine a dog’s paws

To check a dog’s paws for problems or injuries, it is best to start with their pads. Because they are in contact with the ground, they are some of the parts most susceptible to problems. When walking, you can stick something to the dog in them. Or make a small wound, which at first glance is not appreciated, but that can later lead to a more serious problem in the legs. You may also have cracked pads, or a cyst.

After checking the pads and the area around them, if there is no problem in them, you have to check the legs. To do this, it is necessary to carefully feel each of them. In this way you will be able to appreciate strange lumps. Also blows that can cause pain. If so, the animal will react when it feels it, and will try to remove the paw. Hence the review with care. To avoid causing you more pain.

What to do when there is a problem in the legs

Whenever it is detected that a dog has a problem in the legs, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian. Even if it is a wound, because if it does not heal well or becomes infected, it can degenerate into a larger problem. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. And do it, in addition, without wasting time. If you wait to go with the dog to a consultation, the problem can be aggravated.

The veterinarian shall examine the animal and decide on the most appropriate treatment in each case. From a wound cure to a small surgery. You can also indicate if it is necessary to protect any areas of the affected legs. For example, with a carpal stand. Or, after surgery, with an orthopedic splint. In any case, you should always follow the guidelines indicated by the specialist.


Elbow bursitis is a more frequent ailment than we think in dogs. Especially in those that have medium or large size and short fur. It is nothing more than an inflammation of the bursa in which the synovial fluid of certain joints is located. Specifically, those that have a gap between the bones they join. It is in it that this bag is located, which wraps around the joints. Almost all joints in the body of humans and animals are of this type, such as the knee or elbow. And it is in the latter that elbow bursitis is most often given in dogs.

Cómo detectar y tratar la bursitis de codo en los perros

Elbow bursitis in dogs: diagnosis and treatment

The appearance of bursitis in the elbow of a dog’s paw spontaneously is quite rare. It will usually appear after a strong blow to the area. Or after a light blow but that the animal is given continuously. When it occurs, it is quite evident that something happens to the animal. The joint begins to become inflamed and the animal has trouble walking and moving it. In addition, he begins to have pains.

Logically, the earlier it is detected, the less gravity it will reach. To do this, it is advisable to explore the dog’s paws with some frequency and, before any strange lump in its joints, go to a veterinarian. He will examine the animal and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

This treatment will be different depending on several variables. Among them, the state of bursitis, as well as the presence or not of certain complications. For example, from an associated infection. Usually, it will be enough to put a bandage on the affected limb. You may also advise the use of an elbow orthosis to reduce it.

In cases where there is infection, it will also be treated with antibiotics. If it is advanced, it may need to be drained, using a fine needle. And if it is a severe bursitis, it will be necessary to perform a surgical intervention to reduce it.

How to avoid the appearance of bursitis?

To prevent as much as possible the appearance of bursitis, repetitive blows should be avoided. Against the abrupt and strong little can be done, but at least the others can be tried. For example, those that can occur when lying on the ground. To avoid them, a soft surface can be placed where the dog usually lies down.

Obviously, if it is done suddenly, the dog will reject it. Especially if you are an adult and not used to it. Therefore, the sooner you start getting used to sleeping on a cushion of those used as dog beds, the better. If possible, it should be started when the dog is still a puppy. This will make it easier. If you do not accept it, you can try it by placing a soft carpet where you are used to lying down.

It is also advisable to avoid, as far as possible, that the dog lies on the asphalt. Also on the ground if there is no grass or grass on it, since being hard and presenting an irregular surface, it can damage the elbows and lead to bursitis.

Although they are much less visible than ours, dogs also have knees. And like us, they also experience pain and suffer injuries to them frequently. In case you’re not familiar, let’s talk about the most common knee problems.

Problemas de rodillas más comunes

The most common knee problems

The causes for knee problems can be several. For example, an injury or a condition of these. The difficulty in identifying them is that when walking on all fours, suffering from lameness in one of them does not prevent you from continuing to advance.

It is for this reason that we must regularly pay attention to our dog. Detecting pathologies quickly will help us to treat them and prevent the damage from going further, producing irreparable injuries.

The knee problems that most commonly appear in dogs are ruptures of the cruciate ligaments and dislocation in the patella. In small breeds the latter usually occurs, while ligament injuries appear more in large ones, especially if they are overweight.

Other knee problems that may also appear are injuries to the meniscus or tears in the ligament. These can be found in dogs of any size, since they are often due to blows or sudden movements. The knee joint is quite unstable compared to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of knee problems

Each dog may show a different symptomatology, but broadly speaking, the most common are those detailed below:

  • Advances with the leg raised and is not able to support it and carry weight

  • Limp with the leg that is affected

  • Sudden onset of pain while playing or exercising

  • Swelling in the knee

If we observe that our dog seems to have knee problems, it is advisable to go to the veterinarian to make a complete diagnosis.

How to Treat Knee Problems

Depending on the knee problems suffered, the treatment will vary. If the lesion consists of a displacement of the kneecap, it can be placed in place by pushing it. However, it is the veterinarian who must do it. If it is a severe dislocation, surgery may be needed.

Knee problems from tears or tears in the ligaments usually involve surgery in most cases. Depending on the severity and age of the dog, rest may suffice. Since these are painful injuries, analgesics will have to be given to calm the pain and inflammation.

If there has been immobility or surgery, rehabilitation will also be necessary for the progressive recovery of muscle strength and mobility. We may also need some special bandage.

In Ortocanis we have a wide range of products aimed at the welfare of animals and their recovery from injuries or pathologies.

Animals function similarly to people. They suffer from diseases like us, their joints degenerate over the years and their mobility is reduced while experiencing pain. Today we are going to know how to detect osteoarthritis in dogs.

Cómo detectar la artrosis en los perros

What is osteoarthritis and when it appears

A joint is the union that exists between the bones and that allows us to move the way we do. The ends of those are covered by a protective cartilage, responsible for giving softness to the movements and protecting from impacts.

When this cartilage begins to lose or weaken in its structure, we say that osteoarthritis appears. This is, therefore, a chronic and degenerative disease that affects the joints, and that in some cases can be congenital. Consequently, pain appears and mobility is progressively lost. These are some keys to detect osteoarthritis in dogs.

As happens to people suffering from this disease, changes in the weather generate discomfort. Thus, cold, humidity or very high temperatures aggravate the symptomatology.

In elderly dogs it is common for it to appear. Unlike in young dogs, the cartilage has lost nutrients and decreases thickness and flexibility. However, trauma or blows to the joints can also favor their appearance. The difference in detecting osteoarthritis will be that in one case it will be general while in the second it will be localized.

How we can detect osteoarthritis in our dog

Whether young or old, we should always pay attention to the mobility of our dog. Any change that is perceived in time will be easier to correct or deal with than another that is allowed to advance. Detecting osteoarthritis from its early stages will help us prolong the mobility of the animal.

Problems with stairs

If your dog has begun to refuse to go up or down stairs, you may have just spotted osteoarthritis. This type of movement involves an impulse or a load of one’s own weight that, in the case of suffering from weakness in the joints, can be an important effort.


Another way to detect osteoarthritis is by slouching. The reduction in movements makes it expensive to stretch completely. In this way, the limbs or spine may begin to curve excessively.

Lack of energy

If it is time for the walk or you propose to your dog to play and no longer responds with the illusion of before, you have before you another symptom to detect osteoarthritis. You will most likely have a hard time getting up or making sudden movements.


Intermittent lameness also helps us detect osteoarthritis. A limp that comes and goes may be due to a joint that begins to lose strength. If you also complain when we touch it or prevent us from doing so, you are likely to feel pain.

If you think you have been able to detect osteoarthritis in your dog, go to your veterinarian as soon as possible for a radiological study. Although it is a degenerative disease, there are many treatments to prolong its mobility.

Dogs can suffer, in many cases, from bone and joint diseases that humans also suffer. For example,
herniated disc
. This ailment, which is degenerative, is characterized by the exit of the intervertebral discs of the spine from its place. Also because of its bulge. The exit of the discs from its canal, which also causes a compression in the spinal cord of the animal, is what generates the herniated disc in dogs.

This type of hernia, which is complicated to diagnose, can cause not only pain to dogs. Also difficulty walking. Even if it is very serious, it can cause paralysis of the legs of the animal. Usually from the rear. To prevent it from reaching those extremes, it is best to diagnose the animal correctly and as soon as possible.

The bad thing is that the symptoms are usually difficult to identify. Sometimes, in addition to an X-ray, the dog will have to be tested further to ensure the diagnosis. In any case, when in doubt, it is best to consult with a veterinarian to avoid pain and mobility problems to the dog.

Principales síntomas de la hernia de disco en perros

First symptoms of herniated disc in dogs

The main symptom of herniated disc in dogs that occurs through the protrusion or bulging of the discs will be a lump. It may vary in size, but it will be obvious. In addition, the dog will suffer pain in the area. And touching the lump, which will be the hernia, can make you, just like humans, “see the stars.”

Otherwise, when the disc moves into the body, we speak of extrusion. The hernia will not be as evident to the eye. Of course, we will see that the animal has pains. And that only in the first phase of the ailment, when the animal has a grade I herniated disc. When it is more advanced, the herniated disc has other symptoms.

Herniated disc in grade II or III dogs

When the hernia becomes more severe (grade II), compression of the marrow begins to occur. The dog will then begin to have mobility problems. And the bone marrow will be about to be affected. This will happen in grade III herniated disc.

At that time there begins to be neurological damage to the marrow. The hernia, whether it occurs towards the inside of the body or if it comes out in a lump, will compress the marrow a lot. Then the dog will have a lack of strength in the hind limbs quite evident. This, which usually affects the two back legs of the animal, is called paresis.

Grade IV or V disc herniation in dogs

When the herniated disc in dogs is already very serious, paresis causes great difficulties for the dog to move its hind legs. At some points they may even be completely paralyzed. In this case, the animal will have to start using a specific wheelchair for dogs to be able to move.

At this point, that of the grade IV herniated disc is not the only thing that can happen to the dog. The hernia may also affect your sphincters. Then you will have urine retention problems.

Already if the hernia is grade V, the most severe case, the paralysis of the hind legs will be total. In addition, urinary incontinence will be inevitable. Apart from this, you will have a complete lack of sensitivity in the paws.

Baner silla 728x90

As they get older, dogs also have their ailments. Among them, arthritis, a disease suffered by about one in five dogs. Arthritis affects the joints and causes affected dogs to swell one or more legs. Arthritis in dogs will cause them to not only walk badly. It will also cause them a lot of pain.

This disease is degenerative and in many cases has no cure, but at least it can be treated so that it progresses as slowly as possible. Especially if it is diagnosed in its early stages. Then measures can be taken to alleviate its effects, and to improve the quality of life of the animal. But to achieve this, it is essential to detect its symptoms as soon as possible.

artritis en perros

Main symptoms of arthritis in dogs

Among the main symptoms of arthritis in dogs is the difficulty that those affected have to get up and lie down. They may also have more or less stiffness in the affected legs. Because they may have one or more affected.

In addition, they are reluctant to climb stairs, nor do they want to jump. They may also stop performing certain movements that they used to do habitually. In parallel, noises can be heard when bending the legs. And inflammation may be visible, making it easier to detect the disease.

It is normal for the dog to also have pains, which will cause him to complain. In any of these cases, it is advisable to consult with the veterinarian so that he can correctly diagnose the ailment.

It should also be borne in mind that arthritis in dogs does not only occur in animals of a certain age. It can also affect younger dogs. In these cases, arthritis is usually due to an injury, and also to a strong blow.

Treatment of arthritis in dogs

As we have mentioned, following certain guidelines and treatments, arthritis in dogs can be relieved and slowed down. Also largely avoid the pains it causes.

Generally, the first thing the veterinarian will do after the diagnosis of arthritis is to put a drug-based treatment. Among them there will be analgesics for pain, and also anti-inflammatories. Of course, the treatment will depend on each animal and also on the advanced nature of the disease.

It is also usually recommended that the dog take a food supplement, focused on the regeneration of cartilage that has suffered damage. Among them, those with Omega 3. In many cases they can relieve inflammation and cause the condition of the affected legs to improve. And in later cases, and if the arthritis is usually very advanced, the veterinarian may recommend an operation.

In addition to the treatments proposed by the veterinarian, certain measures can also be taken to facilitate the daily life of the dog. For example, you have to monitor your diet to prevent it from getting fat and overloading your joints. You should also try to get him to do some gentle exercise on a daily basis. For example, walking for 15 or 30 minutes every day. Swimming will also be good.

In case the disease causes pain to the dog, and difficulty moving, it is advisable to use protectors or orthoses on the elbows or knees of the affected paws. With them, the limb will be safer, and the dog will have less pain.

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

If your dog has mobility problems or injuries, have you considered acquiring a wheelchair for dogs? Below we tell you the 3 benefits of acquiring a wheelchair for dogs.

You may have ever seen dogs in wheelchairs and felt some grief. Pets look small and helpless in dog wheelchairs. Their mobility is no longer the same, they can not jump and run as before and you have to adapt the house so that the dog can move comfortably.

However, for the dog a wheelchair is not a punishment. Quite the contrary. Think of it this way: the dog wheelchair is a device that allows animals that can no longer move comfortably to overcome pain and physical impairments and live a life as full and happy as possible.

If you think your pet needs a wheelchair for dogs and you suffer at the thought of acquiring one, don’t worry anymore. Today we want to tell you the 3 benefits of wheelchairs for dogs. Improve your pet’s life today and enjoy many years of joy with it.


@happysevilla with your self-adjusting dog wheelchair

The 3 Benefits of Acquiring a Dog Wheelchair

1. Avoid pain

Imagine that your dog has an injury to one of his hind legs that makes him limp. The dog wheelchair allows you to run again and enjoy walks and socialize with other dogs without pain. Also, since you will no longer strain the injured dog’s paw, it will speed up your recovery. Before you know it, your best friend will be back in top form pulling on the leash when you take him out for a ride.

2. Regain mobility

Some dogs, especially older ones or those with a genetic tendency, suffer from herniated discs in dogs. One of the symptoms is loss of mobility and paralysis of some parts of the dog. This prevents them from leading a healthy and happy life. Wheelchairs for dogs allow them to dodge this impediment and return to enjoy all the fun of walks and socializing with other dogs. As with humans, the dog wheelchair can make your pet regain its independence and avoid the obstacles of poor mobility.

3. They are adaptable

Dog wheelchairs can adapt to different sizes, your dog’s needs and almost all terrains. Your dog will not have to give up the beach or the mountain and will be able to continue carrying the same train of life as before the injury.

The wheelchair for dogs is a complement that they do not lock in metal bundles. On the contrary. It allows them to run again and lead healthy, full lives, away from the sedentary lifestyle and unhappiness they would have without them. Do not think twice and acquire for your dog a wheelchair with which he can return to play and be happy.