Massage is a topical and mechanical stimulus acting upon the skin and the structures it protects.
The mechanical action of massage is transmitted to the muscles, joints, tendons or ligaments that are difficult to access through the skin.
The effects caused by massage can affect the tissue handled or indirectly affect the different tissue that is related to the first, or even produce systemic effects.
Systemic effects
Decreased blood pressure
Increased diuresis
Temperature regulation
Promotes metabolism of fats and carbohydrates
Promotes fluid reabsorption and edemas
Increases local circulation
The effects on the different structures are the following:
Effects on skin
Nourish and tone skin tissue
We can stimulate or sedate
Accelerates gland functioning
Dissolves adhesions
Effects on circulatory system
Increases cardiac activity
Increases number of cells
Increases lymphatic or venous circulation
Increases the removal of waste substances
Effects on the nervous system
Increases or decreases conductivity
Effects on the muscular system
Fat oxidation increases due to temperature increase
Drains the deposits of lactic and carbonic acid (CO2)
Regulates tone and contractility
Delays the onset of atrophy
Combats hypertonia and spasticity
You must follow direction of the muscle fibers and the venous circulation.
Slow → Calming
Rhythm and sped
Fast → Stimulating
Effects according to rhythms and speeds
Fast and deep
• Increases metabolism
• Increases muscle tone
• Removes fatty deposits
Fast and shallow
• Increases blood circulation
• Increases nerve stimulation
• Short: peripheral vasodilation
• Long: decongestion deep vessels
Slow and deep
• Improved trophism
• Promotes nutrient intake
• Promotes elimination of waste substances
Slow and shallow
• Improves surface circulation
• Stimulates cutaneous nerve endings
Ortocanis Technical Team