It seems like a utopia, but forgetting about the veterinary expenses of our dog is possible, for this there are veterinary insurances for dogs. Many of you will already know what they consist of but for many others it is a great unknown.

mi compi

There are two types of insurance for dogs, the first, is civil liability, commonly known insurance for potentially dangerous dogs, these insurances cover damages to third parties that the dog may cause and are mandatory for certain breeds according to the legislation of the autonomous communities.

The second typology is the one that concerns us in this post, veterinary care insurance, with them we can save up to 50% in veterinary expenses since we can take it as many times as we want to consultations, even if it is necessary to perform some surgical intervention without additional expenses.

Our dog is more than just a pet, it is one more of the family and therefore, it is so important not to drown in bills if an accident occurs. In order to find the product that best suits the needs of the user is Micompi, the Spanish pet insurance comparator, in which in just two minutes you can contract your policy with the minimum price guaranteed.

This portal also has a charitable purpose, with which it undertakes to donate 1 euro for each insurance contracted through its website to an animal protector.

Férulas caninas

In these dates so close to Christmas, many people consider it a good gift option to buy or adopt a dog. Experts recommend taking into account several important points before taking the plunge.

The purchase and adoption of animals is a decision that requires a commitment, and what might seem like an act of solidarity, can sometimes become a nightmare, and who bears the brunt is the animal adopted, point out the animal protection associations.

ortocanis blog

Questions that experts advise to ask yourself before giving or adopting a dog:

Do you give the dog to satisfy the illusion of a child?

Children are excited to share their lives with a dog or enlarge the family, a tender feeling that many of us have had, committing to walk it daily and take care of it. Keep in mind that although their intention is good, children are not mature enough to make this decision and take responsibility. The decision to have a dog or any other animal must be in common agreement with all members of the family, for the happy coexistence with the animal.

What kind of dog do I adopt?

Christmas should not be the excuse to adopt a dog of a certain breed, of which we do not know its characteristics and its needs can not be adequately covered. According to José Luis Torres, veterinarian of the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Madrid, “this approach is usually one of the most common mistakes among dog adopters”.

Another frequent mistake is to adopt a dog when you do not have enough free time to take care of it. A dog is a living being with needs and one of them is to exercise. We must be aware of this before planning to enlarge the family.

Is the dog a surprise gift?

It is not advisable to give a dog to someone who has not even planned to have it or who although he has ever thought about it, is not ready yet. Having a pet requires prior planning. Analyze if time, space and if it will continue to be so in the future and it is also necessary to consult it previously with all the members of the household, as we already mentioned. “These surprise gifts end in abandonment,” says Torres.

Another point to keep in mind when adopting a dog at Christmas is to let go and relax too much for the fact of being on vacation. Torres warns that “it is a mistake that the dog adopted on vacation spends all the time accompanied, because when the routine is resumed, he will not be accustomed to loneliness and could develop behavioral problems.


Christmas can also be a good time to plan the future life with our new friend, taking into account the real schedules of the family members and thus be able to cover their needs. And as a member of the family that he is we can take care of him as such, with affection and respect. They will thank you all your life.




A man is arrested after 2 months of investigation for burning, beating and splitting the tongue in half of a pit bull, in the worst case of animal torture seen by the association that rescued him.Maltrato animal

They found the dog lying on a sidewalk in Quincy, in the United States, on August 31. He was a tabby, white pit bull puppy that lived barely. The vet couldn’t do anything for him. His body had 17 wounds from blows, cuts and burns and a multitude of broken bones. The matter, which in other countries would go unnoticed, could end in an exemplary sentence of 55 years in prison, five years for each of the 11 charges of abuse faced by the abuser.

Perro maltratado en USAThe alleged torturer of the puppy detained by police is Radoslaw Czerkawsky, a 32-year-old Polish immigrant who was caring for an elderly woman. The defendant, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, has been given a bail of one million dollars and his passport has been withdrawn.

At first no more was known about the dog. The news of his torture went around the United States, appeared in most of the news and gathered more than 70,000 people who called for the arrest of the culprit and who have followed the process closely. The dog was named Kiya and had been donated to a family who sold it to Czerkawsky, according to sources close to him.x-ray dog with fractures

The agents followed the trail of the animal until they found the alleged torturer. They used all kinds of means for an investigation that ended when they found traces of hair and blood in the suspect’s house and these coincided with those of the dog in DNA analysis.

Sources:,, Fox

Arneses para perros con movilidad reducida

The animal had lost a leg in an accident before being found by a retiree willing to help him. Not finding the right prosthesis, veterinarians resorted to a particular solution.

Tortuga con prótesis en la pata

The animal was seriously injured in Neuried, southern Germany, thanks to an ingenious solution with Lego pieces it was able to recover its ability to walk.

“Schildi”, as the turtle was named by those who received it after its accident, had lost one of its legs and with that its mobility and autonomy, this fact could have led to its death in a short time, but its fate changed radically with an original low cost prosthesis.

A retiree from the city of Sttutgart found “Schildi” and transferred her to the Animal Shelter of Neuried, where they were able to cure what was left of the front leg, strongly affected by an infection.

The veterinarian Marcelo Bürkle did not rest in his efforts to find a solution to the lack of a prosthesis on the market for the lost leg, until he saw in his clinic the daughter of one of his employees with Lego construction toys.

The doctor used his creativity and stuck a lego wheel in the place of the turtle’s paw, which allowed him to regain mobility and thus save his life.



The faithful friend of a blind Labrador dog has taken on the role of guide dog.

Milo, a six-year-old terrier cross, acts as Eddie’s eyes to play and bring him back to his proud owner Angie Baker-Stedham. He can be seen pulling a rope as they go along the way.



Mrs Baker-Stedham, 45, says the pair are very close. He tells us that before Eddie went blind, they were both chasing dog toys, but now Eddie uses Milo to play and they love to go to the forest.

Milo is always taking care of Eddie and lies on Eddie’s back.

She explains that everything happened quickly, which is very sad because before they used to play together so easily. Now Milo helps Eddie when she calls him. He directs him towards her. Milo took on the role of his assistant dog without training, according to the Daily Mail.



Milo really cares about Eddie, he always licks her face, they sleep in the same room and spend all their time together. Without Milo, Eddie would be lost.”



Milo even wears bells around his neck for Eddie to follow him everywhere. If Eddie walks away, Milo goes to find him and brings him back.

A nice friendship, don’t you think?


Perro y gatos

  • The differences in character with dogs are evident.
  • They can spend more hours without their owners, without being distressed or suffering from anxiety.
  • Cats are more territorial, although this feature can be confused with curiosity.
  • The cat is an independent, clean, territorial animal and a twilight hunter.
  • Dangerous food for the cat – what should you never eat?

Cats are one of the favorite pets of many Spaniards and more and more homes it is easy to meet a small feline. Do their owners know how to decipher the behavior of a cat?

As with humans, it is impossible to generalize because every cat is a world. However, there are some traits common to the feline species, which may be more or less accentuated in each cat. From Consumer they explain some keys to understand some of their actions:

Tolerates loneliness more than a dog

Although felines can be independent, there are also those attached to their owners. However, in general, if a feline is compared to a dog, the difference is remarkable in that the cat tolerates loneliness better: it can spend more hours without its owners, without being distressed or suffering from anxiety.

It is a mistake to associate the fact that a cat is indomitable with being ariscoUs feline can be up to three days alone at home, as long as it has food, water, its hygienic tray and a comfortable place to sleep. However, a dog requires not only several daily walks, but also more hours than the cat in the company of its owners.

Less easy to tame

The cat’s genes predispose it to be an animal that is not easy to tame. They are solitary hunters who do not need the coexistence of the group to survive and are accustomed to getting ahead in solitude. However, the creation of breeds of hand cats of humans has favored the emphasis on their genes of characteristics such as lasociability, “says Zorriqueta, veterinarian expert in these animals.

The cat or Felis silvestris catus was incorporated into domestic coexistence with people around 9,500 years ago, later than the dog. However, it is a mistake to associate the fact that a cat is indomitable with being ariscous.

Territorial by nature

Felines have territoriality inscribed in their genes. The house in which they live with their owners is their territory and they like to have it controlled, in its entirety. The habit of the cat to climb high places, such as the back of the sofa or tables, is due to its eagerness to have an adequate perspective of its territory.

The sense of territoriality of the cat is often confused by its owners with the fact that they are curious and have an interest in browsing any novelty.

‘Selective’ caresses

The cat has a very peculiar personality. A cat will accept petting only when it feels like it, but will demand the attention of the owner whenever he wants.

The schedules of the felines are twilight, when the sun goes down they are more active and by day they sleep moreIn addition, you will have a special instinct to choose the coolest place in the house in summer and the warmest in winter, rebels when overwhelmed with pampering and attention and loves your independence. But when the cat seeks the attention of its owners, it will know how to win it over with a sound that only it emits: purring.

The particular character of the feline does not fit well with everyone. Therefore, before making the decision to share life with a cat, it is advisable to find out about its unique and particular personality.

Night Hunter

The schedules of the felines are twilight, when the sun goes down they are more active and during the day they sleep more. However, a cat acclimatizes to the habits of the human family with which it coexists and more if it is taken into account that in the domestic sphere it does not need to hunt at night to eat.

Cats can sleep 12 hours a day and even more, but during that time there are many times when they doze and stay tuned to what’s going on around them. Cats sleep based on their vital habits and amount of physical activity they perform. So felines that get bored sleep more during the day, but it does not mean that they are more sleepy than other animals, such as dogs.

Loves cleanliness

Cats’ reputation for cleanliness is due to reality: felines like to keep their bodies and environments clean. Therefore, the cat spends time licking and grooming to preserve its fur and skin without dirt.

Cats accustomed to water since puppies also willingly accept baths and touch-ups in the hairdresser. The cat’s ingrained hygienic habits are also reflected in their environment: they use the feline hygienic tray (the sandbox) to make their bowel movements and refuse to sleep or eat in smelly or dirty places.

More misunderstood

The character and personality of cats are often misunderstood by their owners. The feline’s communicative signals are commonly misinterpreted. But, the masters of the cat do not usually ask in the consultation their doubts about it, which creates misunderstandings in the coexistence with the animal.

A common problem resulting from the incomprehension of cats by owners is that laziness and drowsiness are confused with a feline disease, such as osteoarthritis. The reason is that the cat does not limp, because it is an athlete and avoids showing weaknesses as a way to protect itself against its enemies. The consequence is that the cat does not receive the veterinary treatment it needs to improve its quality of life.

In general, the character of the cat is understood worse than that of the dog. The felines are more reserved than the dogs and their peculiar personality has brought them false and cruel fames, of demons, friend of witches, of having seven lives and even giving bad fario, in the case of black cats.


Source: Diario 20 minutos

What is the proprioceptive system?

It is the system by which the brain receives information about the position and movement of body parts with each other and in relation to their support base. This is produced through a series of receptors distributed throughout the body. Proprioceptive sensitivity is extraordinarily important in the dog’s relationship life.

Within the physiotherapy examination (musculoskeletal or neurological), the proprioceptive system will always be evaluated to have a reference and guidelines with which to establish the treatment plan. Sometimes the same techniques that help us to value the animal, serve us later to rehabilitate it.

Postural reactions

  1. Positional reaction or conscious proprioception
    1. Put the dorsal face of the limb in contact with the ground. The animal should instantly rectify to the normal position.
    2. Put the limb of the animal in abduction or adduction. In this case you should also instantly rectify towards the starting position.
    3. Place a sheet of paper so that the dog supports the pads. Move the leaf laterally in thoracic limbs and caudolaterally for the pelvic limbs. When perceiving the movement stimulus, you need to reposition the limb correctly.
  2. Hemistation
    1. You should take the limbs of a hemibody and move the animal to the opposite side to see if it is able to withstand the balance.
    2. In the case of musculoskeletal injuries it is also possible to assess the affected limb by taking only the opposite limb or one of the previous ones and assess the balance reaction presented by the animal (uniestación)
  3. Hemimarcha
    1. It is exactly the same exercise as the hemistation only that the animal will have to move on the two limbs.
  4. Jump test
    1. Holding the animal and preventing it from supporting three of its four limbs, move it laterally. You will need to make small jumps.
  5. Truck test
    1. Make him move with his thoracic limbs holding him through the pelvic area. Do it with the head of the animal in a high position to prevent it from looking where to put your hands.
  6. Extensor postural impulse reaction test
    1. Take the animal by the armpits in an upright position and descend it slowly. When its hind limbs touch the ground, it will extend them caudally in a marching motion, anticipating displacement.
  7. Visual and tactile reaction
    1. Holding the animal, he approaches the edge of a table until he touches it. You should place your limb on the table instantly. We will assess visual and proprioceptive sensitivity. It should be repeated by covering the eyes, so we will value tactile and proprioceptive sensitivity.

Balance in season and dynamics

The balance of the animal can be assessed by provoking some of the postural reactions mentioned above or by creating destabilizations of the animal in static and during walking.

During walking you can tap small sideways to see how it reacts. If the animal has its correct balance, it will continue walking in a straight line without modifying its state or its rhythm.


Coordination can be assessed through circles, eights, climbs, descents, speed changes, different terrains with small difficulties in between.


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An example of overcoming A disabled dog competes in an agility contest with his wheelchair.

Zip has five titles of agility champion, achieved before an accident left her paralyzed.

Un perro discapacitado compite en un concurso de agilidad con su silla de ruedas Perra discapacitadaA CNN viewer presented a video of herself and her disabled Border Collie competing in an agility contest in Pensacola, Florida.

The owner of the dog commented: “Zip has taught me many lessons, one of them is that you can not let a disability put you on a sofa.” “Many are already those who have told me that they were going through a difficult time in their lives and seeing the case of Zip gave them hope and grabbed the problem by the horns.”

Proceeds raised from zip’s exhibit and his guide Sue went toward cancer research in dogs.

The Yellow Dog Project is a campaign that appeared in Sweden and has already spread in several countries. It is about putting a yellow knotted tape on the leash of the dog that needs more space and in this way both the owners of other dogs and children will know that they should not approach.
There may be several reasons why it would be convenient to put the tape: for suffering from a health problem, for being injured, for being afraid, for being rehabilitated, for being in heat, for having had a bad experience or simply for not being a very friendly dog.
So if at any time you see a dog with a yellow ribbon on its leash, you know you should not approach.Perro con cinta amarilla

British scientists managed to reverse paralysis in dogs by injecting them with cells extracted from the lining of their own nose.

All of the animals in the study had suffered spinal cord injuries that prevented them from using their hind legs.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge, England, are cautiously optimistic that the technique may eventually play a role in treating human patients.

The study, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and published in the neurology journal Brain, is the first to test transplantation in “real-life” wounds and not in laboratory animals.

Foreign scientists of the lining of the nose of animals are called olfactory enveloping glia (OEC) cells.


The only part of the body where nerve fibers continue to grow in adults is in the olfactory system.

The enveloping cells of olfactory glia (OEC) are located at the back of the nasal cavity and surround the receptor neurons that allow us to smell and convert those signals in the brain.

Nerve cells need to be constantly replaced and this is promoted by the OCs.

For decades, scientists have weighed in that OECs could be useful in spinal cord repair. Initial trials with OEC in humans suggest that the procedure is safe.

These were cultured and reproduced for several weeks in the laboratory.

Of the 34 pet dogs that participated in the proof-of-concept trial, 23 received transplants of these cells at the site of injury and the rest received an injection with a neutral fluid.

Many of the dogs that had received the transplant showed considerable improvement and were able to walk on an exercise machine with the support of a harness.

None of the animals in the control group managed to reuse their hind legs.

Caution and optimism

The research was a collaboration between the MRC’s Centre for Regenerative Medicine and the University of Cambridge’s Veterinary School.

Professor Robin Franklin, a regenerative biologist at the STEM Cell Institute at the MRC and the Wellcome Trust and one of the report’s authors, said: “Our findings are extremely exciting because they show for the first time that transplanting these cell types into a severely damaged spinal cord can bring significant improvement.”

“We are hopeful that this technique can restore at least a small amount of movement in human patients with spinal cord injuries, but that is a far cry from the fact that they could recover all of their lost functions.”

Professor Franklin says the procedure could be used in conjunction with pharmacological treatments to promote nerve fibre regeneration and bioengineering to replace damaged neural networks.

The animals received a transplant of olfactory cells.

The researchers claim that the transplanted cells regenerated nerve fibers throughout the damaged region of the spinal cord.

This allowed the dogs to regain use of their hind legs and coordinate movements on their front legs.

But no new long-distance nerve connections like those required to connect the brain to the spinal cord were developed.

According to MRC scientists in humans this would be vital for a spinal cord injury patient who has lost sexual and bowel function and bladder control.

Professor Goeffrey Raisman, Chair of Neural Regeneration at the University of London, who discovered olfactory enveloping glia cells in 1985, says: “This is not a cure for spinal cord injuries in humans, which may still be a long way off.”

“This is not a cure for spinal cord injuries in humans, which may still be a long way off. But this is the most encouraging development in several years and is a significant step on the road to achieving it.”

Prof. Goeffrey Raisman


“But this is the most encouraging development in several years and is a significant step on the road to achieving it.”

“This procedure has allowed an injured dog to walk with its hind legs, but the range of much higher functions that are lost with a spinal injury, such as those of the hand, bladder function, temperature regulation, for example, are more complicated and still very distant.”

Jasper, a 10-year-old dachshund, is one of the animals that took part in the trial.

Owner May Hay told me that “before the treatment we had to transport Jasper in a car because his hind legs were useless. Now he walks all over the house and garden and can keep up with other dogs. It’s wonderful.”

Source: BBC