Entries by Ortocanis

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The importance of rehabilitation in dogs

Increasingly, physiotherapy and rehabilitation are being established as one of the basic pillars in veterinary traumatology and neurology. While good diagnosis and surgical or pharmacological treatment are critical, rehabilitation can really make all the difference. The structures of the musculoskeletal system are closely related to each other. The inactivity or poor function of one severely […]

How to act in the face of animal abuse on the Internet

Unfortunately, the Internet is sometimes used to disseminate videos, images and advocacy of animal abuse. This information is known to most Internet users, but what can sometimes go unnoticed is that the fact, due to indignation, of sharing that material and making comments of rejection has very undesirable effects: Contributes to its dissemination (for better […]

Songs with a lot of sense

The emotional world is a mystery. And when we talk about expressing feelings… we wouldn’t know where to start. Luckily things are changing and little by little we are opening up to new ways of feeling and loving. To express feelings of all kinds and to value as it is due to the beings that […]

Progress in animal protection regulations

We finally see some progress in Spanish animal protection regulations. A Draft Law has been presented establishing the basic regulations of the trade and responsible ownership of dogs and cats. This change in regulations is intended to ensure animal welfare in dogs and cats. Currently, only the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and Andalusia have Statutes […]

The funniest cats on the internet

The truth is that seeing these cats makes you want to devote more effort to them. It is a task that we have pending but everything will come. Until we can help them as much as we help the dogs, we leave you this nice video compilation of the funniest cats on the net.


The Feldenkrais method in dogs

Feldenkrais® is a method that is based on the learning capacity of the Nervous System using movement and attention directed to the body as a vehicle to access the brain and its ability to create new neural connections and new movement patterns. In this way, the brain is educated through the messages of the Nervous […]