Now Madrid will eliminate subsidies to bullfighting shows and bullfighting schools.

The candidacy headed by Manuela Carmena signed a commitment with groups that defend the rights of animals.

Now Madrid, the candidacy headed by Manuela Carmena, has committed to develop an ordinance that makes the capital “a city friendly to animals” and to create an Office of Protection, after a meeting held between representatives of the candidacy with groups in defense of animal rights, of which he informs Europa Press.

manuela-carmenaAnother key point is the elimination of subsidies or municipal aid to bullfighting shows and bullfighting schools as well as addressing the recommendations of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on this issue.

The commitment signed by Ahora Madrid in this area has among its programmatic objectives, to bet on a city “close, cohesive and livable”. To this end, they propose lines of action and policies aimed at improving the quality and use of urban space, “its care and improvement for an adequate coexistence in the city”.

As they have explained, in Madrid in particular and in general there has been a notable increase in the number of pets, which has led to a growing social demand for actions to improve coexistence between people who own animals, pets and all citizens.

“As demonstrated by the EU strategy 2012-2015 for the protection and welfare of animals, as well as recent regulations in our environment, there has been a growing interest on the part of citizens to promote respect and protection of all animals and in the obligation to receive a dignified and correct treatment, which in no case, supposes poor hygienic-sanitary conditions contrary to its species and degree of development. It should be noted that this aspect is increasingly demanded by a society aware of the respect that all living beings deserve, “they added.

The regulatory framework in ordinances of the Madrid City Council is from 2001 and Now Madrid considers that the city and the Community “are far from updates that have occurred in the rest of Spanish and European cities”. For all these reasons, they propose the elaboration of a comprehensive human rights ordinance, “that makes Madrid a city friendly to animals”.

The municipalist candidacy will elaborate an ordinance “jointly and in a participatory manner” with the entities that work in the field of animal protection, municipal technicians and professionals related to the field of animal protection. It will include “effective measures” of animal welfare and protection, as well as the integration of companion animals in the urban social context and / or in the different public spaces.

The commitment of Ahora Madrid is to include in turn protocols of ethical control of feline colonies through the CES method or the population of wild urban animals and the creation of a municipal registry of pet holders.

Zero sacrifice

They also want to advance to zero slaughter in animal collection centers through the promotion of adoption, sterilization and control of the sale of animals, as well as review the criteria for authorizations of recreational and recreational activities that involve the participation of animals.

On the other hand, within the framework of the competences of the City Council and Madrid Salud, Ahora Madrid intends to create an Animal Protection Office that reorders and follows up on the proposals and guarantees the principles and actions against the mistreatment of animals, “as well as the respect, defense and protection of them”.

This commitment is incorporated as a development of the electoral program in relation to the rights of animals “and will have its development with the participation of the groups and entities that work in this field, with the corresponding institutional proposals in the City of Madrid”, have indicated its promoters.

Source: “The Newsletter

Material para rehabilitación veterinaria

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